
Cost-effective, easy-to-use advertising layout and issue management software for small- to mid-size publications.

Ever had to retype your ad manifest because you couldn’t extract the information from your order-entry system? Ever guessed wrong on how many pages should be in your issue? Ever placed that color ad on a page without color? AdForce ad layout solution helps you avoid common pitfalls like these, shortening production time and reducing costly make-goods.

Flex and function

AdForce works with your order-entry system and keeps track of all your insertion information, while you decide how the issue will look. You can define multiple attributes for each issue, including page size and number of columns. Ads imported from your order-entry system go on a runsheet you can customize to highlight the ad properties most important to your operation.
AdForce supports multiple ad types and accommodates a wide array of characteristics and layout attributes. Set up different import maps to create the new runsheet, revise existing ad specs and handle kill orders in a timely fashion. Ad information — name, number, size, color, coupon status, market, advertiser, requested page and so on — pours right into the runsheet.
You can also import file-path information for digital ads. No more hunting for images — they show up right where they should for your pagination program.




Put ads in their place

Once the issue is set and your runsheet is created, AdForce has multiple options for ad placement.

Use the Layout palette to flow all the ads at once, letting AdForce pick its spots based on settings you’ve selected — for example, dropping them evenly throughout the book, or placing them only on left-hand pages. Or just drag and drop each ad as you see fit.

AdForce manages the positioning of color pages and color ads, and can track process, spot and custom colors. Tell it what you have, on what pages, and let AdForce figure out where the ads can go.

Basic conflict rules in the application also honor specific page requests, control left- or right-hand page positioning and won’t place coupons back to back. Conflict preflighting flags conflicting ads as you make placements, giving you the opportunity to resolve or ignore the conflict on the spot. You can also easily check for conflicts by running a Conflict Report.

Placement information in the runsheet is updated automatically regardless of what method you use. And with with the Views palette, you can tune up the layouts so it’s easy to see the ad information you need. When you’re ready, AdForce can print dummies and runsheets any way you want — sort on any available variable, or use the Views palette to tailor different sets of dummies for advertising and editorial. AdForce also supports PDF workflow, with the ability to jump-start the pagination process by importing and handing off links to Adobe® InDesign® and QuarkXPress®.


Get with the flow

Fully electronic ad production is a must in today’s publishing business. AdForce is the digital dummying solution for shops that aren’t ready to step up to ALS. If you think there’s no time like the present to reduce ad-placement headaches, improve your output and save money on make-goods, contact a sales representative at News-Net.



Key Features

  • Imports ad information directly from AdWorks
  • Accommodates multiple ad types
  • Manages color placements and ad conflicts
  • Balances editorial and advertising requests
  • Simple drag and drop for pulling ads from the runsheet and moving them around
  • Page and issue views
  • Digital ad paths stored so images are in place for pagination
  • Conflict monitoring, including coupons, page requests and ad-vs.-page color
  • Definable issue gravity and ad-to-editorial ratio
  • Electronic links to digital art and ad files
  • Advanced color support, with a color editor that manages spot, process and custom colors
  • User-definable automation levels
  • Multiple runsheet sorting and filtering options
  • Built-in statistical reporting can be exported to a spreadsheet or front-end system
  • Multidirectional flow controls with forward, backward or random distribution
  • User-defined preferences for double-truck placement
  • Plenty of settings for printing dummies
  • Completed issues and pages can be opened in InDesign and QuarkXPress



Page Director ALS


Used at more publications worldwide than any other automated ad layout solution, ALS lets you manage issue planning and ad layout for any publication.

In just a matter of seconds, you can create a complete issue that can be opened in QuarkXPress or Adobe InDesign. With its accuracy, flexibility and robust feature set, ALS saves time, reduces errors and cuts costs.

ALS is powerful yet easy to use. You have complete control and can automate as much or as little of the issue-building and ad placement as you need. ALS builds runsheets and dummies and places ads and creates ad stacks according to your rules. You can program where ads go based on editorial-to-advertising ratios and color configurations while still accommodating special considerations such as coupons, section or page orders and customer requests. It even produces reports. In short, it does everything you need and much more!






Key Features

  • Keeps track of color placements, page and section requests, pickups and a host of other requirements
  • Supports a wide array of customizable page and issue attributes
  • Supports multiple column settings in a single issue
  • Controls double-truck placement with user-defined preferences
  • Accurately exports bleed ads to pagination programs
  • With optional modules, manages multiple editions, handles forms and sections and generates reports
  • Flows ads automatically, by drag-and-drop, or a combination of both
  • Balances editorial requirements with advertising requests
  • Manages ad conflicts with both built-in and user-defined conflict rules
  • Displays changes to ads and pages in real time
  • Works with virtually any electronic order-entry system
  • Creates file-path links so ad images are in place during pagination
  • Plenty of settings for printing dummies
  • Completed issues and pages can be opened in InDesign and QuarkXPress, with ad links, folios and all the other layout information inherited


AdForce or Page Director ALS?



  • Manual dummying of an entire issue’s ads into an electronic document
  • User-definable import and export maps to connect with advertising order-entry systems
  • Imports ad information as well as kill lists, additional ads and updates
  • User-definable zone, product and market codes
  • Unlimited undo and redo
  • Ad placement by requested page, or by left- or right-hand page
  • Ad placement by guaranteed placement flags
  • Ad placement to bottom/top of pages, with squared-off stacks or patterns
  • Ad stacking using vertical gravity before horizontal gravity by issue
  • Customizable runsheet, allowing sorting of multiple fields, with ability to add custom fields
  • ALS XT and Ad Import plug-in to allow pagination in QuarkXPress® and InDesign® are included
  • Quick retrieval of recently used files
  • Mix multiple column models within a single issue plan

Page Director ALS

  • Manual dummying of an entire issue’s ads into an electronic document
  • User-definable import and export maps to connect with advertising order-entry systems
  • Imports ad information as well as kill lists, additional ads and updates
  • User-definable zone, product and market codes
  • Unlimited undo and redo
  • Ad placement by requested page, or by left- or right-hand page
  • Ad placement by guaranteed placement flags
  • Ad placement to bottom/top of pages, with squared-off stacks or patterns
  • Ad stacking using vertical gravity before horizontal gravity by issue
  • Customizable runsheet, allowing sorting of multiple fields, with ability to add custom fields
  • ALS XT and Ad Import plug-in to allow pagination in QuarkXPress® and InDesign® are included
  • Quick retrieval of recently used files
  • Mix multiple column models within a single issue plan
  • Ad stacking using vertical gravity before horizontal gravity by page
  • Automatic dummying of an entire issue’s ads into an electronic document
  • Custom automated layout processes using AppleScript
  • Creation and storage of unlimited press configurations
  • Tracking of color assignments and press configurations
  • Release function tracks and reports when pages and ads change and finish
  • Ability to set up an issue with conflict rules you provide
  • Interactive Unplaced Ads palette tells why ads did not place and suggests alternatives
  • StoryBoard dynamically balances ad and editorial requirements
  • User-definable and configurable tool bars
  • User-defined brushes to “paint” metadata onto pages
  • Live regions: Easy templating of restricted and modular ads
  • Ad migration to float ads to preferred placements
  • Sections & Bookings module
  • Editions module
  • HTML Report Generator module
  • Forms Manager module
  • ImageView module