AdWorks 5 and AdWorks 5 server are compatible with OSX Yosemite.

Few minor issues unrelated to AdWorks 5 that need to be addressed:


1. When launching AdWorks 5 for the first time (or other software on your computer), you might be presented with a message from Apple to download Java. Please perform the update when prompted. You can also manually download it from the Apple website: (

2. OSX 10.10 upgrade may of reset all the “App Nap” settings for all applications on your computer. We believe this is a bug in the new OSX update and will hopefully be resolved in the near future by Apple. Fortunately we can resolve it manually. All you need to do is enable “Prevent App Nap” by doing a get info (command-I) on the following applications listed below.

Note: If you do not enable “Prevent App Nap”, AdWorks will still run. However everything will be noticeably slower.

Client machines:
– MultiAd Creator (if used)


3. OSX 10.10 update disables automatic starting of the MySQL server on server restarts. You will have to manually start the MySQL server if you perform a server restart. By not manually starting MySQL server, the AdWorks clients will not be able to connect to the database. We are waiting for an official update from MySQL to address this issue. However in the meantime, we have created our own fix.

Download and extract the following file and place it into the following location on your server. System>Library>LaunchDeamons.

Note: This only needs to happen on your AdWorks Server.

As always, ensure you have proper backups of your AdWorks database BEFORE conducting any upgrade or updates to the server. If you require any assistance, please contact your dedicated support representative – 905-844-0524.

Customers who are not using AdWorks 5 and wish to use Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite should contact News-Net to upgrade.