Tech Notes

12 04, 2016

Apple OSX Version Cheat Sheet

Tech Notes|0 Comments

Quick handy cheat sheet to help you with all those version numbers vs names from Apples OS X.

OSX 10.0 = Cheetah
OSX 10.1 = Puma
OSX 10.2 = Jaguar
OSX 10.3 = Panther
OSX 10.4 = Tiger
OSX 10.5 = Leopard
OSX 10.6 = Snow Leopard
OSX 10.7 = Lion
OSX 10.8 = Mountain Lion
OSX 10.9 = Mavericks
OSX 10.10 = Yosemite
OSX 10.11 […]

30 03, 2015

Microsoft ends Windows XP support

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As of April 8th, 2014 support and updates for Windows XP are no longer available from Microsoft.

AdWorks 4 users can continue using the software on Windows XP, however it is highly recommended to upgrade your operating system to a newer version, as Microsoft is no longer providing security updates which leaves your computer vulnerable […]

7 12, 2014

AdWorks 5 and OSX 10.10 Yosemite compatibility

News & Events, Tech Notes|0 Comments

AdWorks 5 and AdWorks 5 server are compatible with OSX Yosemite.
Few minor issues unrelated to AdWorks 5 that need to be addressed:

1. When launching AdWorks 5 for the first time (or other software on your computer), you might be presented with a message from Apple to download Java. Please perform the update when prompted. […]

1 12, 2014

How to handle the penny phase out in AdWorks

Tech Notes|0 Comments

How to handle the penny phase out in AdWorks
Last updated: Dec 1 2014
Article ID: AW00010
What is happening:
In Economic Action Plan 2012, the Government announced it would phase out the penny from Canada’s coinage system. To help consumers, businesses, charities and financial institutions to plan, a transition date of February 4, 2013 has been set after […]

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