Online Classifieds Ad Taking & Publishing Made Easy
Publishing Ads to Your Website in Seconds
With AdsOnline there is no importing or exporting of files, you simply push one button and AdsOnline will automatically publish your ads directly from AdWorks Ad Management system to your website in seconds. It automatically converts word, semi display and full display ads in any format into an elaborate display instantly on your website. AdsOnline includes various professional ad publishing layouts for your website, or they can be easily customized to suit your own preference.
The search function in AdsOnline allows your website viewers to search any ad types: Word, Semi display or full display ad text with instant results.
AdsOnline can be predefined to have various classifications listed under specified sections/categories listed on your website effortlessly. Classifications listed online are always automatically synced with classifications used in your newspaper.
Online Ad Taking Made Easy
AdsOnline is a cross-browser web based application that allows you to offer your customers flexibility by allowing them to enter ads directly from your website. The Ads entered online are then placed directly into the AdWorks database in real time and are held until approved by ad reps. AdsOnline is intelligent and will notify ad reps during approval process of any duplicate accounts with customer ads placed online with any current accounts.
AdsOnline is completely synced with AdWorks Ad Management software. By modifying editions, classifications or ad pricing from within AdWorks, they are instantly updated on your website. No webmaster required.
Fully integrated with AdAuthorize; allowing you to accept credit card payments quickly and affordably directly from your website.